Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So yesterday at work I had an employee come & ask me if his SIL still had her job. (she was taken away by undercover policewomen last week). I told him I would have to talk to her supervisor…he comes in later to find out and tell us that she was arrested for child abuse and won’t go to court until February 19th.

Later in the day, I have this woman come in & ask if her husband will still have a job if he misses some work. She says he is “in some trouble”, I told her I would let his supervisor know and that I sure he will be fine if it is only for a few days. She seemed very worried about his job & keeps repeating her story to me. Finally, she tells me that he has been arrested for beating her up and points to her eye (which I notice for the first time is all black & blue). When I tell her I will take care of it for her, she looks relieved, almost about to cry, and shakes my hand. I am sure she is worried he would get out & beat her up all over again if he has no job.

The point of all this?

It didn’t really hit me until I was driving home from work…and then I got really sick to my stomach because you can hear about all this type of stuff on the news, but when you know someone that is actually doing this type of behavior, it just seems so different. I cannot imagine what the woman did to her children that she would be arrested! sick…and I feel so bad for the woman, this obviously wasn’t the first time for her…I wish I could have done something to help her.

I am so thankful for my life, my family, friends- that my problems seem very minor in comparison to these two…


caroline o said...

Amen to that - we get so caught up in our lives and all the things we "have" to have or we think we have to have, we need to stop and think about how lucky we are. Our freedom, health, kids, family, friends and even our husbands... I read all the time stuff on our prayer chain about other countries that you will get killed if you have a bible - can you imagine? It is an illness to hit your kids or spouse and hopefully they can get help.

caroline o said...

Amen to that - we get so caught up in our lives and all the things we "have" to have or we think we have to have, we need to stop and think about how lucky we are. Our freedom, health, kids, family, friends and even our husbands... I read all the time stuff on our prayer chain about other countries that you will get killed if you have a bible - can you imagine? It is an illness to hit your kids or spouse and hopefully they can get help.

Anonymous said...

Wow, definitely not a good day, but it does make one thankful for our boring lives. I guess my day wasn't so bad after all, thanks for reminding me how grateful I should be. Have a great weekend, you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that reminder. You are right. I get so flustered sometime by the business of life that I forget how wonderful my life really is. I do feel badly for people when I hear stories like this, though.