Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Tanner & I caught three girls from his school in the act of toilet papering our house last night. It was pretty funny...the girls wouldn't look at him, but just kept giggling.

We dropped Riley off at her friends house and turned to go up our drive and there is a woman standing there & she motions for me to roll the window down...she says we have some girls TPing up there- and I said, "hey, that's my house"...she said they were only doing it because they like Tanner...he kind of got embarrassed.

They promised they would be back today to help clean up. We shall see when I get home from work if there was a clean up task force! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Football-Horseback Riding-Hart Winery

Opening day ceremonies was this past Saturday and cheer performed during the ceremonies. Riley did really well, especially considering that she is with the older girls now. The dance/cheer was fast & funky, and wow, my girl can move. She doesn't get that from me (or Mark for that matter!) She is a flyer, so she was up shoulder high on the bases. She hasn't been dropped yet, so she isn't afraid!

Jake had a scrimmage after that and boy, is it going to be a loooonnnng season. The boys are all first year flag players and they just can't seem to stop the other team from scoring- alot. Hopefully, they will get to play some teams that are 1st year players....

We went to Temecula after and brought the horses & motorcycles. I finally got to ride beautiful Red. (that is Janet on him when we were in Wyoming). Isn't he pretty. Mark rode Steele again and Steele did great!

We stopped at our new favorite winery (we joined their wine club) Hart Winery . If you are ever in wine country out in Temecula you must stop there. They have a ton of Reds and they are still small and non commercialized....which we like!
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the madness begins

In addition to getting Tanner to one field, Riley to another and Jake to yet another- Mark is coaching Jake's flag team, I am the Team Mom and the Player Agent for Jake's team. So that means that we have to be at every one of Jake's games and are only going to see maybe 3 games of Tanner (& Riley cheering for him)...that stinks!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I found these cute things as I was browsing around blogs....I came across the broken plate - isn't this cute stuff? She breaks plates and then makes jewelry out of the pieces- too cool. I wish I was that creative!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I haven't posted in a few days because I have nothing really exciting to say...I read other blogs all the time and I get such inspiration from them, or they make me laugh...and well, my blog is just plain boring. I notice that alot of people come to my blog as a link to the other blogs I mentioned...oh well, at least they look.

We had a great time at Mom & Larry's for our Wine Tasting Italian Dinner. Mom had the front porch set up so cute, as well as the dinner table in the game room. Thanks for doing all that mom. Sorry we ate so late everyone.

I was going thru pictures from Wyoming and I came across this picture of Riley & Tanner. I don't know if you can tell, but the river is very wide here and we were going to all go fishing, but we had to cross the river to get to the best fishing spot. Riley didn't really want to get her feet wet (I think she was scared but didn't want to say that), so Tanner picked her up and carried her across. I think I will need to show them this picture whenever they start being mean to each other. The last night we were in WY - Tanner, Mark, Janet & I were playing bridge (yes, Tanner & I learned to play on this trip and he is already better at than me) and Riley was laying on the couch asleep. We said something about how cute she looked and Tanner said "yay, Riley is pretty cute, she is pretty cool and I like her, but don't tell her I said that." We all started laughing... too funny...
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Friday, August 8, 2008


Isn't he pretty? He is Mark's current "project" He is a four year old and he has only been riden about 6 or 7 times....I think Steele is doing great- Mark says he coming along...
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

A few more of my favorites

Loved seeing Riley run around in her pink cowboy boots...she was such a cowgirl on this trip & she rode really well.

This boy just cracks me up...He just needed to get cowboy we took a day and went to Cody so he could get his boots. Janet got them for him for his upcoming birthday...

And this one only wanted to fish...and he did alot. This is probably the smallest fish he caught, I didn't pictures of the biggest one he caught, 21" rainbow trout, of course.
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