Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My friend Therese is an awesome addition to that she also can take pictures that you have taken and then "fix" them by adjusting the color, make the eyes stand out etc.
So I sent her two pictures I took and this is what she did with them.

Isn't Jake's picture the coolest? I love how the highlights in his hair are more pronounced and his eyes...

Riley's picture is great picture the whole thing looks peachy- Therese made her stand out instead of blending into the background....Thanks Therese!
Check her out here.....Therese's Website...
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Monday, April 28, 2008

Try this...

when you have a free moment, try is for a good cause....Game

have a great 5 readers... :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Food processor

So I am thinking that I need one of these. I am going to our second gourmet dinner on Saturday - it is Gourmet Mexican theme. We got Corn Pudding - Anyway, I looked at the ingredients and how to make it and it seemed fairly easy. Then I read that everything was prepared using a food processor...I don't have one. Do I need it? Should I buy one? How often do any of you use yours if you have it? Please help! :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I wish I was here.........
or here... :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


I am so uninspired lately....I had the whole weekend to "do" something and I didn't do a thing. So today I thought I would visit some of my favorite websites to get some inspiration..this is what I found at Martha Stewart living. I thought that these glasses were so cute. Those are just colored rubber bands with your guests name on them. Cute!

This is a cute idea for outdoor is the bottom of terra cotta flower pots, used as serving plates! Like this idea.

Then there are these really cute napkins...just plain white napkins with fabric or ribbons used to make a napkin ring! Love this idea, you can use whatever napkins you have and then get ribbon to match...
Hopefully soon, I can & will use some of these ideas...
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Girl Movies...

Mark was gone for the weekend a few weeks ago, so I got to watch all the girly movies that I don’t watch with him….I watched Becoming Jane and really liked it. I am a big Jane Austen fan so I knew what was going to happen in the end, but I was really hoping for a different outcome…I cried & cried. I am such a sap! Mark is gone this weekend again and I really need some recommendations for some good girl movies…anyone have any? I am tivo'd Sense & Sensibility that aired on PBS, but I need some more to watch!! :)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Russian River

I really want to plan a trip to here....This is my all time favorite area to be in...the wineries are great...the town of Healdsburg is wonderful. If I could I would live here. I am trying to find a way to visit here without spending too much think it is possible?I found the following suites at MacArthur Place Anyway, look at that picture...I want to stay in that has a waterfall in there. It is probably 400.00 a night...I will check it out later and see...until then I can dream can't I?

Monday, April 7, 2008

I always thought that I would be able to be objective when it came to my kids and them having problems with friends, but boy have I been tested in the last couple of months.

The kids haven’t actually said they are upset about friends, it is me who is. One of Riley’s friends is having a sleepover b-day party (like Riley did a few weeks ago). This girl was at Riley’s party, but Riley was not invited to hers, she could only invite 5 girls and she wasn’t one of them. (had it been last year she would have been there). I know that kids go thru phases with friendships, especially at this age, but it is still hard. Riley seems okay with it, but I know it hurt her feelings.

Same thing with Tanner, some weeks it seems like he gets a ton of invites to go places & do things and then other weeks, nothing. Now, I know it bugs him, because I can see it in his face & his actions, but he won’t talk about it and if I push too hard, boy does he get mad!

I hate worrying about it, I wish that I could always protect them from the hurts of the world….so what does this picture have to do with what I just wrote?....... Nothing... I just like it! :)
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Friday, April 4, 2008


and fresh orange juice is what greeted parents as they dropped their children off at preschool yesterday.
Each classroom had their own donuts & oj and the sign said "We know you are in a hurry each morning, here is some breakfast on the go". It was so nice to know when someone does something nice & unexpected it almost makes you tear up? (well, it does for me). I don't know why, but I thought that was so nice and thoughtful. And of course I cannot pass up a donut!! :) It made my day. I am really going to miss that school next year when Jake starts Kindergarten.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ears Pierced....

Last week Riley got her ears pierced for her 8th birthday...We went to the mall and got it done. She has been so diligent about turning the earrings and putting the solution on her ears... Right after she got them pierced we realized that she was not supposed to have earrings in when she plays softball. The girl who pierced her ears said that there was something you could buy that you could put in the ear instead of the earring during games, but they, of course, were all out.

Over the weekend we went to another Claire's and this store didn't really know what I was talking about, but I bought something that looked like it would work. It didn't. Yesterday Riley had a game and she ended up taking the earrings out. She had them out for maybe 2 hours and we couldn't get those suckers back in her was like they closed up already. While we wre trying to put them back in she was screaming like we were killing her. I ended up icing her ears so she wouldn't feel it and had to push the earring through again....poor kid, when we were done her ears were beet red!

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