Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Having a much better day today- thank goodness!

I am a bit tired today because the kids had ANOTHER sleep over. They have been out of school one week, and already they have had 5 sleepovers (between the 2 oldest)- they have been to the beach twice, out for dinner with friends, a birthday party and swimming every day- with friends. I am tired already from all their activity and I am sure tonight they will be unhappy because it will be just "us"- no friends over, although I am sure they will try to weasel that in somehow. But I will firmly say no, as last night the boys kept me up until 12:00 and I had to get up at 6:00 am.

I am taking Friday off so we can go on our family trip to Paso...hopefully it will be as fun & relaxing as it was last year. It is always so nice to get away....looking forward to this winery- always good wine there...eberle, and Four Vines and Tolo and, and, and, and....


Anonymous said...

Shelley, try to enjoy your time away. Take some time for yourself to refuel for the rest of the summer. My kids already exhaust me too and it is only one week into summer. Yikes! Thank goodness for the bus to the beach and basketball camp.
Have fun!

christy p said...

Have a great time on your trip. You deserve it!!!

Cristina said...

Woohoo! How fun! Enjoy your time away. :)

caroline o said...

I am so bitter sweet about this post, since we were suppose to be going.... Hope you had a great time.
