Monday, April 14, 2008


I am so uninspired lately....I had the whole weekend to "do" something and I didn't do a thing. So today I thought I would visit some of my favorite websites to get some inspiration..this is what I found at Martha Stewart living. I thought that these glasses were so cute. Those are just colored rubber bands with your guests name on them. Cute!

This is a cute idea for outdoor is the bottom of terra cotta flower pots, used as serving plates! Like this idea.

Then there are these really cute napkins...just plain white napkins with fabric or ribbons used to make a napkin ring! Love this idea, you can use whatever napkins you have and then get ribbon to match...
Hopefully soon, I can & will use some of these ideas...
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Anonymous said...

These are some great ideas. I wish I entertained more so I could use all the awesome ideas Martha and her team come up with. One day...

Gabrielle Mader said...

Yes..she always has the most simplist and easy ideas. The only time I entertain is when I have some catalog party or Bunco.

Cristina said...

OOOOOooo! Cute ideas!