Thursday, February 28, 2008


We've been having issues with this one and his homework. He is a very smart kid- the kind of smart where it isn't hard for him to figure things 4th grade (last year) he was in 5th grade math, this year in 5th grade he is only at grade level, learning the same stuff he did last year. He got A's & B's in math last year so how is he doing the same math over again and not getting straight A's?...

Well, I will tell you....he would rather be doing what you see in the picture. Lately, he has been telling us that he has done his homework already, left it at school for the next day. Or he doesn't have homework. Oh really. So I emailed his teacher and she replied today....she said for the last two weeks he has turned in his homework but it isn't complete....he is so in trouble. He won't be skateboarding for awhile that is for sure!

He thinks getting C's is okay- because that means he is doing "average" work. When we try to explain to him that he should be more than average he thinks we are being too hard on him. What's wrong with average he says....

I am going to throttle him when I get home from work.
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caroline o said...

busted!!! ugh I'm not looking forward to that age... you are lucky because he is a great kid. All I have to say is "thank goodness they didn't have email when we were younger"

tell him cool move on the skateboard though - hey I wonder if Tony Hawk got good grades...
xxox - cars

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelley I have one of those too. My girls never gave me trouble about homework but this year Grant realized that he couldn't just slip by without working. The harsh reality is that they need to start getting prepared for middle school and high school where there is not as much compromise from teachers. Grant had his skateboard taken away for a week already for the same thing. All I can say is find some motivation to reward him when he does finish (maybe a trip to the skatepark), and make sure to keep communicating with his teacher. Grant knows that school comes before sports, skateboarding, friends, etc. and if he doesn't keep his grades where he is capable he will lose them, instead he will be at the tutor. So far, so good.
Keep us posted.

Gloria Ives said...

Please don't throttle him;) My mom use to threaten us with that all of the time, and I'm still scared, and wondering, just what it is. She was going to throttle us to" within an inch of our lives," all seven of us. I need to get in touch with my siblings to see if they ever actually did receieve a true throttling, or just a threatened one. I have a son who I've never actually throttled, but who is now a junior in highschool preparing for the SAT's and is just now showing his stuff, the stuff I knew he had in him all of the time. I feel great joy, and so does he, now knowing that we are supporting him in his flowering. Boys , most of them want to be boys, and in so doing they are learning good skills for the future, where they'll use them as men, when they mentor their own sons. I am watching my son flower now as we look at colleges. I am the picture of pride as I read an essay that he wrote on what it means to be a hero.

This too shall pass....