Friday, February 15, 2008

Do you ever have one of those days when you are sad, depressed or just feel like crying and you don't really know why? Well, I am having one those days....I hate them. I have tried everything that I know will usually get me out of this mood, but nothing is working. Hopefully I will feel better at 4:15 when I am driving down the freeway.

This picture is from a few years ago- but it makes me smile...I love it.
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caroline o said...

Bummer - I hate days like that. At least it is Friday and not a Monday. Hope you have a better day.

I will call you later.

Cristina said...

I have those kinds of days as well. Most of the time, I have to do as you say and just let work envelope me, or I just let the feelings wash over and and a good cry cleanses them. Hoping your subsequent days have gotten better.