Monday, February 4, 2008


So this was Tanner's birthday "weekend"...and he was such a pill. I don't know if it is his age or what but we had some difficulties with him. Sunday, we celebrated his birthday at Janet's...he seemed to be happier on Sunday, maybe it was just a lack of sleep thing. We woke up on Sunday to a TP'd house...I think one of Tanner's friends who happens to be a girl did the TP ing...He gets to clean it up!

Riley had a fun weekend too- she had a birthday party sleepover on Friday night at her friends house, then she had Softball practice first thing on Saturday morning, she went to the scrapbook store with me. She loves to buy paper just as much as I do...scarey. Then on Sunday she got to go to Knott's Berry Farm! My kids do more than I ever did at their age!

Today, Jake & Mark are at home sick. Of course, when I was sick I still managed to take care of everything....I know when I get home tonight, Mark will say that he is much more sick than I ever was and that is why he cannot get out of bed.... ;) men.

I am totally in the scrapping more layouts done this weekend! yea me! :)
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Gabrielle Mader said... missed you too...Shelly...yes. Mark has a MAN cold...much different then our cold. We are planning to do the Rose bowl Flea market and then go to Cynthia's to make those wooly non edible cupcakes that Pam has on her's the second sunday of the month, I do the date.

Anonymous said...

We missed you Shelley, but good for you getting layouts done. I hope you can go on the next outing, mark your calender!