Tuesday, February 19, 2008

too soon...

This little girl has been in Riley's class for the last two years...she is very sweet and actually a year older than her classmates, you see she had cancer and she missed so much of school when she was in 1st grade that she repeated first grade and was in Riley's class. We just got an email saying she has lost her battle with cancer...so very sad.

I hope Riley and her classmates will take it well. The kids were going to announce a project to the entire school on Friday, to raise money for cancer research...I know they will still do the project but will they be able to go in front of the school to talk about it like they planned?

(this picture is from their Halloween party)
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Anonymous said...

Cherish your life....

Cristina said...

I'm sorry to hear of Riley's classmate. So sad.
