Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's Over

thank goodness! The trial ended yesterday and I was so thankful.

While it was very interesting to be part of a jury, to see the workings of a trial, it was very hard for me and my bleeding heart to see the victims family and the defendant & his family.

Eight years ago, the defendant & his gang beat up a kid that died from his injuries, that is so sad & unnecessary. The defendant wasn't actually the one that hurt/killed the kid, but because he was there & participated in the fight with other people in the victim's group he was convicted. I had a really hard time with the whole deliberation process and when they read the verdicts and I saw the defendant drop his head and his family (mom, sister, gf) I got upset, I just felt so horrible. The only people ever in the court room were the defendants family, sometimes only his mom. Can you imagine, being the mother of either one (victim/defendant) it was hard for me to think about and something that I pray that I never have to go through....

1 comment:

caroline o said...

that is so sad - and a lesson to our kids ( not that they are in gangs ) but you can be guilty by is a huge lesson to learn. Even if you don't committ the crime if you are there and a part of it, you are still guilty... Glad it is over and you can enjoy the rest of your week.