Today, during my lunch, I stopped to get gas, I almost ran out right before pulling into the station. (nothing like cutting it close, huh?). So, I am sitting in my car waiting to pull forward and this man (in his 40’s or 50’s) comes walking over to my car. My first thought was “oh no”- he asked for .50 because he ran out of gas and has no cash on him. I can relate since I almost ran out myself. I see his car in the lane next to me, so I gave him a $1.00 (that was all I had), which was amazing that I even had it, I usually don’t have any money on me, I use my debit card for everything.
I watch the man try to push his minivan forward, I feel bad for him, it is hot outside and he is having trouble getting the minivan to move. Thankfully, a guy comes over & helps him push. I pull forward & start pumping my gas, I look over & there is the man sitting in his car crying and I can see that he is looking in his car for change. Instantly, my stomach hurts, I hate to see that. From my observation he doesn’t appear drunk or on any drugs…I look in my car for change and all I have is .50. I walk over to his car to give it to him. Now I notice that on the passenger side of his windshield, the window is all pushed in (like something big hit it, I am thinking a person), I see that there are red paint scrapes along his fender…this freaks me out a little, but I have already reached him. I give him my .50 and he thanks me again. Now, I see on his nose that he is bleeding and one of his hands is bleeding too. This freaks me out more, but I don’t know what to say to him.
Back at my car again, I see him inside of his car & he is crying again, no one else gives him any money- I start to drive away and he calls out to me thanks again, and I see the guy behind him look up and then walk over & give him money.
My heart hurts for this guy – I don’t know if he has addiction problems or not, but obviously he is down on his luck. I really hope that he didn’t just hit someone while he was driving…but like I said he didn’t smell or appear to be drunk or unaware. I hope the man and whatever/whoever he hit are okay.