Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Well, we made it back safe & sound…let me tell you it was a looonnnng trip driving back. We ended up getting a hotel room at the border of WY & Utah around 1:30 am on Monday night, we got up & left by 9:00 am on Tuesday and got home to OC at 10:00 pm…. When you are trailering horses you do need to stop and let them out to stretch their legs & get some water. I actually drove (so nerve wracking for me) for a few hours twice. I don’t like to pull the horse trailer- it makes me nervous.

It was so nice to be able to take a shower last night and let the water run…the trailer we used for showers did not have a very big water tank and after 4 showers we were out of water. Luckily, we were able to fill up water jugs & pour into the trailer…I swear I think my hair still smells like a campfire though…

We had many adventures and I took a ton of pictures, which I will share later. It is good to be back home!!! :)

1 comment:

Cristina said...

So glad you're back and that you had a good trip. And here I thought my trip to the Grand Canyon was too long. lol I can't wait to see the pictures!