Friday, February 11, 2011

some things we have been up to....
The kids have created a track in our back yard...they have alot of fun on their little track...Jessie loves to sit & watch (more like protect her "herd")
This one turned 14! All he wanted was money (so boring). So I went to the bank and got a bunch of ones, and various other dominations and taped them all together. I put them in a shirt box and cut a hole in the top and put a "pull tab" at the top.  Once he unwrapped the box he saw the tab & started pulling. He thought I was a little weird, but it made him laugh. He thought he was getting a shirt and wasn't too happy about that....

These two went to their last "Daddy/Daughter Dinner Dance"...  :(   They don't have the Y Princesses next year in 6th grade....
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