Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is it bad...?

that I hid the PS3 and made my kids finish their chores before they could play it again? I made them take pictures of their clean areas and then text me the pictures... :) LOL...I think it is a brillant idea!


cami w said...

I love that idea! It's not different than having your sister "invite" your child to a sleep over just so you can say no and teach them child a lesson! Hello, we have to get creative!!! Have a great weekend......sooooo jealous! Miss you!

cami w said...

OMG ---- I finally learned how to post!!! Next up, a blog of my own!

caroline o said...

I think that is a great idea - but mine would have to be the TV, my little angel is addicted to TV - NCIS, Dog the bounty hunter, big time rush - you name it...Soren could just play in his room all house was cleaned so nicely on Monday and now it is a mess again...