Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mornings are the best part of the day for me - the day always starts with such promise of things being accomplished and settled. I know that it has only been two days, correction 2 working days since I started this routine of mine, but the beginning of the day is best. The afternoon sets in and it is almost time to get the kids from school, and I think, what is going to happen- why haven't I found something yet. And then night hits and I am mentally exhausted, I fall asleep easily but then wake somewhere in the middle of the night to start the thinking/worrying process. I finally fall asleep again, wake up not feeling rested, and then start the whole process again- I hope this changes soon.


caroline o said...

You need to trust in the Lord, he is in control and he knew you were going to be in the place long before it happened. You will find something, better then what you had. do something different in the afternoon/evenings, change it up ~ it is like having the "blues". You are strong and you will survive this...this one is easy! Hang in there, I am praying for you.xxox cars

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better then Caroline. You need to BELIEVE IT! Your family loves you!