Saturday, May 22, 2010

Have you ever read or heard a story about how someone left their horrible career behind and started a new one? You know the ones I mean...."Woman quits dead end job and starts her own business doing....whatever". I read those stories with such awe and think, I wish I could do that! Then I start brainstorming for things that I could do, something I am passionate about or particularly good at, and you now what? I. cannot. think. of. one. thing!!!
Oh sure, I love to take pictures, but it isn't something that I am good at or that is going to make me any $. I love to scrapbook, but career potential? Ok, so lets think of things I am good at....ummmm......worrying! being stressful, yelling at the kids, reading blogs. Well, no, that isn't going to get it either.
I know one day, it will all come to me, I'm just sure of it! And when it does, I will be sure to blog about it.....

1 comment:

caroline o said...

i think you should explore freelance HR - you know go to small companies that need help with benefits counseling, or safety plan, or one of the other 500 things you did at AIC for 23 years...who knows if it is even something needed out there, but a thought...