Monday, July 27, 2009

Tanner's football team has a "buzz cut" day before the practices start. I didn't get a good "before" shot, but I thinkyou can tell how long his hair was before- not too long, but not that short..

So he ended with this....for a few minutes. Then someone yells out, "that was just the first round, you need to sit in the other chair" Tanner thinking he is so funny sits down again....

and goes down to this!

This morning when I looked in his room before I left for work, it looked like he had no hair!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds familiar!my child's baseball team recommends buzz cuts for the boys on the team,though it is son gets buzzed at a "buzz cut day" similar to the one on your blog each month during baseball is often right before a big game.the coach encourages a buzz with a #1 clipper or son gets shaved with the #1 clippers like the coach wants during baseball season,but during the winter,he is buzzed with #2 clippers on the sides of his head and #4 clippers on the top.except this year.this year he went for BALD.he had a 0000 clipper shave (no guard) over his whole head. interestingly enough,he still had a bit of stubble on his head,which surprised me.i expected his head to be shaved smooth.