not really.....This morning I get Jake up & out of the house because we need to stop at Starbucks to get a teacher appreciation gift for his teacher. After picking out a mug & gift certificate & ordering my coffee, we are waiting at the counter for the young kid to ring me up. He puts my coffee on the counter, sort of near the edge and then puts our purchases in a bag. He pushes the bag towards me, knocks over the coffee and it spills down the front of Jake. He won't let me take his shirt off (luckily, he had two shirts on this morning) and all he wants to do is hug me because he is embarrassed. Finally, I get his shirt off (he held his arms down so tight I couldn't even move them). The manager comes over, gives him stickers and puts them on both of his arms. She takes my name & number because Starbucks will have to make out an incident report. Meanwhile the line has backed up out the door and everyone is watching us. They make me a new coffee and we are off. You would think they would at least give me my coffee for free- We got to school & we showed Mrs K & Mrs G, again Jake did not want anyone to see his tummy- but his arm was red, not enough to cause blistering, but....So the teachers are going to call if anything changes.... And, Starbucks just called me to find out how Jake was doing- I am sure that don't want a lawsuit on their hands....of course I would never do that- it wasn't that bad.....