On Friday, Jake's school had "Moms & Muffins" in honor Mother's Day. The kids had to draw a picture of their mom and then write a few things about them. Jake was VERY embarrassed about his picture and didn't want me to look at it. The picture is pretty funny with the red hair he colored. While we were at his desk he leans over to his friend and says, "see my mom has red hair". Then Jake whispers in my ear, "can you dye your hair blonde?" I guess my hair color embarrasses him... some kids certainly don't like to be different than their peers, my kid definitely is one of them!
I ran out for a Starbucks on Mother's Day (Mark had to work in the morning), when I came home this is what the kids had prepared for me...:) nice, huh?
A quick run out to Temecula for a little wine tasting and dinner at Palumbo's Ristorante. Fun day!
Can we see the picture of you that Jake drew? That breakfast was pretty special...and so are you!
I loved that day.....
Aw!! That is pretty cute!! The funny thing is I think I'm redder than you are, and my kids think I'm blonde. Must be because they all have dark hair. I guess it's all relative. :) Hope the dinner and wine was spectacular!
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