Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When we remodeled the house 7 years ago- we had to put in a sprinkler system in case of a fire. The fire alarm & water junction are in a corner in our garage.

This morning when Jake went to get his shoes from the garage, he tells me that he thinks Dad's radio is "buzzing' in the garage. I go out to turn it off- and guess what? It wasn't the radio! It was the stinkin' sprinkler system- one of the pipes burst- shooting water towards the wall- about 3 inches from the wall- spraying so hard that it created a hole in the wall! I tried to stop it and the water changed directions & created another hole. I shut off the water main- but realized that the sprinkler system is on it's own main....couldn't find it. Had to call Mark to come home from work to stop the freakin' water!

NICE! Great way to start the day!

How did your morning go?????


caroline o said...

That is a glad Jake heard it and you didn't leave for work and not notice, that could have been a real mess.
My mornings are relaxing and calm -don't have to get ready for work and my kids don't start school until 9am so we have plenty of time in the AM...We haven't had one issue all school year.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Caroline is right!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!!!! Hope the damage wasn't too bad!!