Yesterday I was browsing around BHG and found some things that I want for my house. The pillows above- I want that color combination (and those pillows) in the room upstairs that is a complete disaster!
this wall- I love it. I want something like this by my scrap table- however, I am the worst when it comes to putting things on the wall- I still have 3 things that I need to hang by my desk that I won't hang because I am afraid to make that "commitment".
I need this chair in my room but not in that color....
And I liked this - the set up is just like my room. I need all that "stuff" in my room too.
What I really need is the following- time, money & an interior decorator. I don't think I will be getting any of those things in the near future, so I can only dream when I look at these pictures....sigh...