Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So here's what I have been up to lately....Went to Wilson Creek Winery for lunch last weekend for my birthday...Thanks Mom!
I finished this R for Riley and couldn't figure out how I wanted to frame it.  I finally decided on a shadow box that I found last weekend at Kohl's.  With my 30% coupon it only cost me about $10.00.  I had to put a 12x12 scrapbook page in as the background, but I think it turned out pretty cool.  Now, to get Mark to hang it for me...(what I really want to do is repaint her room)...
Posted by PicasaI finished reading this book-  only took me a couple of days...boy was it  gut wrenching!  I had to finish it so I could go on to something that was a little more uplifting.

And I bought some of this fabric to match the cushions on the have the lounge chairs outside- there is just one small problem...I don't have a sewing machine, so how I am I going to make the slip covers???  Not sure if I can sew it by hand since it is such a heavy fabric....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Not the best pictures I know, but here is my lastest "redo". I spray painted my old green lounge chair black so it would match the new black one that I received for Mother's Day. It looks so much better!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Jake has been wanting to play soccer for the past year - he has never played organized soccer - he just played with his friends at school during lunch & recess.    We finally signed him up for a summer league, that only plays games (no practices- whoo hoo!) Mondays & Wednesdays.  On Saturday, he got to meet his coach and get his uniform for his first game.  Over the next two days, he put his uniform on, no less than 5 times - he is that excited.  On Monday morning he woke up at 6:00 am- he never gets up that early and told me he didn't think he could wait until 6:00 pm for his soccer game!

He & the coach's son didn't get to start - so this picture is Jake patiently (for him) waiting to play.  He is really good- he had so much fun and he scored the final goal!  He was beyond excited!  Before he went to bed- he told me, he didn't think he could wait until Wednesday.... (his next game).  Funny kid.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Adirondack chair

So I have been wanting an adirondack chair, like forever and I finally found one at Ace Hardware that was affordable- but it came with a catch- I had to stain it and put it together.

I got all the pieces out and got to work....

I had to put on 3 coats of stain along with 3 coats of sealer...then put it together. It looks a little crooked in this picture- but it isn't - really.

I want it at the front door, but M says that it will get "baked" there just as our front door the front door is one of our next projects. Oh, and pretend that the containers at the door have some pretty flowers in them...

So what do you think- does the chair look stupid there?
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is what we did yesterday..... 2 different awards ceremonies- (Riley wouldn't look at me) Tanner graduated from 8th grade.
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Isn't this clever?  They are tea light holders!  

I found them at The Foundary.  You have to register to become a "member"- but what that really means is that I get a daily email from them with the link to the "daily events".  They have different "events" going on which usually last 2-3 days.  Most of their items are unique and priced below what you would get them for retail.  

Even though I haven't bought anything, I have found some really neat items and I have "pinned" those items to my other new obsession which is Pinterest.  Wow, that place is a time suck for me.  I have become a member at Pinterest (you have to email them and wait for an invite) and every time I find something I like, I "pin" it to one of my boards.  Then I follow a few friends and see what they "pin"- some really neat stuff on there. It is a great place to keep all of the ideas, pictures, etc of things that I like for inspiration or future purchase... :)  
 I know it sounds kind of weird, but I love it.  :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

How cool is this planter?  I really like this.  

 I am so excited to post my before & after pictures of the things I am working on-chairs, lamp etc.  Once I have them completed- I will post.   I have been so inspired by some of the DIY blogs I have been stalking ,  I mean, visiting... :)  If you want to see some great blogs, check out some of my previous posts with their links.

I am leaving work to go home and take care of my sick child that threw up all over his room last night at midnight...not going to be fun cleaning those carpets...yuck!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How cute is this pillow??!  Here is the link to how to make it - on BHG.

Pink pillow with pink ribbon blooms and green ribbon stems