Monday, August 31, 2009

Jake turns 7!!

We had a pool party for Jake's 7th was so hot, I don't think it mattered that the pool wasn't heated! He had alot of fun playing with his friends and opening presents. One present in particular, the look on his face when he opened it was classic, and I, of couse didn't get the shot, because I ran out of friend Cami, made the comment, that she didnt' know anyone that uses film anymore.... :) I guess I am the last one... :)

Wow- a picture when they are not fighting and arguing with each other!
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Friday, August 28, 2009

The relaxing days at the beach did not go exactly as planned. I think that Mark & I are just too stressed out with him coaching and then getting the other 2 to their practices and games is just overwhelming. And it doesn’t help that come game day and (during the week) I am like his 4th coach and errand boy….

It was good to get away though, I think the next vacation will be sans children….or maybe just with our kids and not any friends along. Not that I mind the kids bringing their friends, it just makes for extra work .

On a positive note, I did finally finish The Shack. I liked the last part of the book, the message was good….Now, I am going to start the The Senator’s Wife – anyone ever read that?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We are spending the next couple of days here.... :) We were lucky enough to get an RV site at Bolsa Chica for tonight and Wednesday, there must have been a cancellation... I cannot wait to sit on the beach and catch up on some reading and relaxation!
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Why do weekends always go so fast?

We had a rather full weekend of running here and there, as usual. Riley had cheer camp and then left from there to go to Palm Springs with her friend for 2 days. The boys both had scrimmages- one in Brea and one in Palos Verdes! So, of course, we didn’t see both games.

Riley loves cheerleading and is a flyer in her stunt group, while she was at the cheer camp this weekend she watched another girl fall flat on her face, so I was told by another mom that Riley refused to participate in the stunting after that. Since I haven’t seen her since Saturday, I need to find out the scoop on that one tonight.

Tanner had a great game (so we were told by the coach). He scored once and almost a 2nd time – but, as usual, we missed Tanner’s game. After the game we met up with him & his team for pizza. The boys always go outside and hang out after they eat. I guess, while they were horsing around out there, Tanner fell onto his side running up some concrete stairs. He never said anything to us until about 10:00 pm that night when he couldn’t sleep because his chest hurt. We told him to go to sleep he would be better in the morning. When he woke up the next day he was in pain and said he hadn’t slept. So I took him to urgent care for x-rays. The doctor said he just has a contusion and not to do anything physical for a few days….Not sure how his coaches will like that one.

Jake had a great scrimmage too. He pulled 3 flags- I think the same amount he pulled all last season. He was so happy! And I owe him $3.00 – last year he had a lot of trouble catching up to the fast ball carriers, so last year we gave him this incentive and he made a few dollars off of us. Before Saturday’s game he asked if I would pay him $5.00 for a flag, I told him no, just $1.00…good thing! Maybe I should just make it .50 cents a flag???

Jake at his scrimmage- he is the one with the scraggly, blonde hair... :) and new white cleats!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

My daredevil

Jake so wants to do things that his older brother does....jumping off these ramps is one of them. He wanted me to take pictures of his "wheelies" up this ramp. He kept getting mad at me because I "missed" the shot - I didn't have the heart to tell him that the wheel of his bike wasn't really leaving the ramp.

This child has no fear...he scares me.
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Thursday, August 6, 2009


this is a picture from last Thursday...Mark took the kids down to the beach in the afternoon and I met them there after work. Even though he forgot to bring a change of clothes for me, it was still nice & relaxing to sit in my beach chair,(even if I was in work pants!) and watch the kids play in the water. We got a fire pit and had hamburgers over the grill.

Nice evening - too bad we didn't do more of that before August started.

Now, I feel like our summer is over since we have Football & Cheer - EVERY DAY! I really like that the kids are involved in this but by the end of the first week I think our whole family is exhausted from all the running around we do. 3 kids, 3 different fields that they practice driving all around Tustin...ha ha.
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