Thursday, February 28, 2008


We've been having issues with this one and his homework. He is a very smart kid- the kind of smart where it isn't hard for him to figure things 4th grade (last year) he was in 5th grade math, this year in 5th grade he is only at grade level, learning the same stuff he did last year. He got A's & B's in math last year so how is he doing the same math over again and not getting straight A's?...

Well, I will tell you....he would rather be doing what you see in the picture. Lately, he has been telling us that he has done his homework already, left it at school for the next day. Or he doesn't have homework. Oh really. So I emailed his teacher and she replied today....she said for the last two weeks he has turned in his homework but it isn't complete....he is so in trouble. He won't be skateboarding for awhile that is for sure!

He thinks getting C's is okay- because that means he is doing "average" work. When we try to explain to him that he should be more than average he thinks we are being too hard on him. What's wrong with average he says....

I am going to throttle him when I get home from work.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Saturday was the start of the busy season for us....It was opening day ceremonies for both baseball and softball, and it was also picture day for both! So starting at 8:00 am we had pictures, opening ceremonies, pancake breakfast, scrimmages, back to the softball field for pictures at 1:00 for Riley and a cancelled game because of rain....

And in between all that, I had (or we, and I say we, very loosely) to make a dish for a gourmet dinner party with 5 other couples - it was a "Night in Napa". Our recipe was Grilled Asparagus and potatoes with Beet Basil dressing. Not too hard right? Well, see that juicer? Yeah, I was to take 6 large beets and juice them for 2 cups of beet juice- sure...I juiced 3 of them at this point and I had 1/4 cup of juice...there was no way I was going to get 2 cups. I improvised but the dressing was blah....the vegetables were good, but the time and energy it took to make the dressing was a waste. A fun night though. Stayed up too late chatting with everyone and got up too early on Sunday....

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Friday, February 22, 2008


love, love this...want it for my backyard, but I am not a millionaire, so I don't think I will be purchasing do people afford to buy this expensive stuff?

and see this??? I still want it....but see above comments

and then there is thought football was over, right? Well, not for our team. We have been living the football drama since we got back from Hawaii in December. You see the very back row of tall "kids"? Yeah, well, they cannot seem to come to agreement with each other, blah, blah blah- so they are splitting the team. Well, they are not really doing that, but by splitting up as a coaching staff and going to two different teams, it kind of puts the kids in a decision of having to decide what coach they want to play for, or what it really comes down to, is where are my friends playing and I will go there. It also seems that the coaches really want to know where Tanner is going to play, because they feel that others will follow him....this is so not fun and so sad. 95% of these families have been on the team for the last 5 years together- we really have become a family and now we will end up splitting up- so sad.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

too soon...

This little girl has been in Riley's class for the last two years...she is very sweet and actually a year older than her classmates, you see she had cancer and she missed so much of school when she was in 1st grade that she repeated first grade and was in Riley's class. We just got an email saying she has lost her battle with very sad.

I hope Riley and her classmates will take it well. The kids were going to announce a project to the entire school on Friday, to raise money for cancer research...I know they will still do the project but will they be able to go in front of the school to talk about it like they planned?

(this picture is from their Halloween party)
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Baby Shower

Sunday we went to Jaime's baby shower. She is due on Riley's birthday- March 22nd. Riley was so excited to go to her first baby shower. Jake was a little confused, he wanted to know what exactly you do at a "shower".

Once we got there, Riley barely spoke, and at one point she asked me if all we do at a shower is sit around and talk??? ...she did sit with Jaime as she opened her presents...and on the way home she said she had fun...
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Do you ever have one of those days when you are sad, depressed or just feel like crying and you don't really know why? Well, I am having one those days....I hate them. I have tried everything that I know will usually get me out of this mood, but nothing is working. Hopefully I will feel better at 4:15 when I am driving down the freeway.

This picture is from a few years ago- but it makes me smile...I love it.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I was looking for something creative, inspiring or pretty to post about and I just don't have anything. I did find these flowers...I am not normally a carnation "person", but I thought they looked Valentiney.. :)
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Friday, February 8, 2008


This is my best friends daughter and my daughter...

I think it is really cool that these two really like each other and have a great time when together! Caroline and I have been friends for so long (27 years, I think) that it is hard to imagine not knowing her or having her as my friend.
Here's to our two girls growing up and staying friends!! :)
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

There is still time to become a


A few weeks ago she asked Mark to saddle Red up so she could ride....and as soon as Jake saw her riding, well, he had to ride too. Once Jake was done, she kept riding. She does pretty good...but of course Red is such a nice horse.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I want a new car...

So, I have been driving my car for over 10 years and I am afraid that one of these days it will be found on road dead (FORD)...but seriously, there are some days when the gauges go all screwy and I think it is going to die and then the next day it runs perfectly. I really like my car but I want a new one.....and this is what I want...I think that this is a pipe dream...but I can just look can't I? :)

I think that I can only afford this one.....

So I guess I will continue driving my Expedition... :)

Monday, February 4, 2008


So this was Tanner's birthday "weekend"...and he was such a pill. I don't know if it is his age or what but we had some difficulties with him. Sunday, we celebrated his birthday at Janet's...he seemed to be happier on Sunday, maybe it was just a lack of sleep thing. We woke up on Sunday to a TP'd house...I think one of Tanner's friends who happens to be a girl did the TP ing...He gets to clean it up!

Riley had a fun weekend too- she had a birthday party sleepover on Friday night at her friends house, then she had Softball practice first thing on Saturday morning, she went to the scrapbook store with me. She loves to buy paper just as much as I do...scarey. Then on Sunday she got to go to Knott's Berry Farm! My kids do more than I ever did at their age!

Today, Jake & Mark are at home sick. Of course, when I was sick I still managed to take care of everything....I know when I get home tonight, Mark will say that he is much more sick than I ever was and that is why he cannot get out of bed.... ;) men.

I am totally in the scrapping more layouts done this weekend! yea me! :)
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